To begin with, here is the Nevada Foreclosure Timeline published under NRS Public Records. NRS: CHAPTER 107. This simple diagram explains the foreclosure process in detail to the homeowners and what they are facing.

Nevada Foreclosure Timeline Makes Use of the Non-Judicial Process.
Here are the 2 (two) types of foreclosure processes in Nevada. Judicial which means a judge is involved and a non-judicial meaning no judge is involved. Nevada is a non-judicial state.
Nevada Foreclosure Diagram Used by Randy Bridges Since 1999
Earlier with the introduction of the Foreclosure Timeline, it became easier for Randy to educate homeowner on the process of foreclosure. After awhile, his expertise was recognized by many. Soon it became apparent there was a need for some kind of tool to assist homeowners in distress. As a result, local media began to take notice. In this case, several articles were written regarding the home foreclosure process. See example of articles written about Randy and what he can do for you. In short, countless homeowners over the years avoided foreclosure. To summarize, he can help you also.
Alternatives to Nevada Foreclosure
First and foremost, you as a homeowner do have the opportunity to correct this action. Thereby, you must act immediately. 120 days goes by very fast. Under ordinary circumstances you have no time to waste.
First thing I would suggest is contact your lender again. They will ask you all sorts of questions. That’s what they do. Next, ask nicely to be transferred to their loss litigation department. They will know exactly what you need and want. Call, email, what ever it takes. You want to open a file immediately.
Most Importantly: Start your own Communication Log. Nothing fancy but document EVERYTHING…
If they ask, “Are you working with a Real Estate Agents”, say yes and call me immediately.
Assistance Is Just A Call Away
With everything going on in your life right now, I can help. Call, Text or Email anytime.
To summarize, the information on this page is not complete. In brief, you are encourage to do your own research into the process of Nevada Foreclosure Timeline. In short, all the information I have given to you here is a summary and for reference only. Above all, I am not offering any legal advise. My personal experience are my own, your situation will be different.
Ask your question here or text to 702-645-1551 or email:
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