Nevada Foreclosure Process Timeline

To begin with, people can take steps to prevent home loss before it occurs. The Nevada Foreclosure Process Timeline Chart is a good visual of what could happen if not taken seriously. Here are other programs.

Nevada Foreclosure Process Timeline

In addition to the timeline, the State of Nevada has laws that dictate foreclosure law. NRS Chapter 107.

Randy’s Foreclosure Journey

From time to time, we have all experienced some financial problems. In my case, it was some time ago that I started having difficulties with my mortgaging company. They are the people who handle your mortgage payments. As soon as my payment was sent, it came back with a letter saying the check wasn’t enough.

In due time, I requested mediation. A notice of mediation with day and time was scheduled. In the meantime, I had saved all the returned checks and had my attorney send to the trustee a certified check for the full amount required to reinstate my loan.

At mediation with the lenders attorney, my first question to their council was “you are aware our home loan has been reinstated aren’t you?” He said “No, would you give me a minute?”

Finally, there’s more but you have a good idea what I have personally went through. I know the process.

Together with my help, we can make your family whole again.

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